Oct 7, 2023  |   2 min read

Understanding Google Ads Suspensions

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Google Ads is a powerful platform that allows businesses to reach their target audience, increase brand visibility, and generate revenue through online advertising. Many advertisers have faced the frustrating experience of having their Google Ads accounts suspended.

So Why Do Google Ads account suspensions occur?

Policy Violations: Google has strict policies governing ad content, landing pages, and website behavior. Violating these policies can lead to immediate suspensions. Common policy violations include deceptive practices, promoting restricted products, and misleading claims.

Suspicious Activity: Google monitors accounts for suspicious activity, such as click fraud or multiple account creations to exploit promotional offers. Unusual account behavior can trigger suspensions.

Payment Issues: Failure to make timely payments or issues with your billing information can result in account suspensions. It's essential to ensure your payment method is up-to-date and has sufficient funds.

Trademark Infringement: Using trademarked terms in your ads without proper authorization can lead to suspensions. Always respect intellectual property rights and obtain the necessary permissions.

Low-Quality Website or Landing Page: If your website or landing page doesn't meet Google's quality standards, your ads may be suspended. This can include slow loading times, poor user experience, or insufficient content.

So now that we know some of the reasons why they can occur, here is how we fix Google Ads Suspensions

Reversing a Google Ads suspension can be super tricky to handle, from the back and forth between Google support, to the frustrating experience of sitting on hold for what seems like hours...

...but it's not impossible. Here are steps you can take to address the issue:

Review Google's Suspension Email: When your account gets suspended, Google typically sends an email explaining the reason. Carefully review this email to understand why the suspension occurred.

Rectify Policy Violations: If the suspension was due to policy violations, make the necessary changes to your ads, website, or landing pages to comply with Google's policies. Remove any misleading content or prohibited products.

Check Billing and Payment: Ensure your billing information is accurate, and your payment method is functioning correctly. Clear any outstanding dues to resolve payment issues.

Contact Google Support: Reach out to Google's support team to appeal the suspension. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the steps you've taken to rectify the issue and demonstrate your commitment to complying with their policies.

Request a Review: Google allows you to request a review of your account after making the required changes. This review will determine if your account can be reinstated. Be patient during this process, as it may take some time.

Seek Professional Help: If you're struggling to resolve the suspension, consider enlisting the services of a Google Ads expert or agency. They can provide valuable insights and assistance in getting your account reinstated.

One final benefit of working with an agency, is that we would be able to speak to our dedicated and assigned Google representative on your behalf.

These Google reps are typically made available to agencies to solve issues like suspensions, and even more. If you would like to work with us on resolving your suspension issue, give us a call and we will be happy to help.